
  1. July 12, 2010
    Integrated, Holistic Security Strategies
    Holistic is a popular word these days. Often applied to food and medicine, the word conjures images of natural, healthy living, but the word holistic refers to the fun...
  2. July 1, 2010
    Benchmarking Information Security Efficiency
    Recently the Ponemon Institute completed a new project, the Security Efficiency Benchmark Study, the purpose of which was to learn what IT security leaders in the UK and Eu...
  3. May 13, 2010
    Think Before you Cloud
    A few years ago, when wireless networking was still relatively new, there were numerous reports of enterprising employees who, frustrated with the pace of new technology in...
  4. May 3, 2010
    Fear and Loathing in Online Advertising
    Have you ever seen an interactive advertisement while browsing around on the Web and, even though it was from a brand that you recognized promoting a product, service or ev...
  5. April 14, 2010
    2010 Security in the Trenches
    We just completed a survey of federal IT security professionals to examine the data protection posture of government agencies. Through the survey, sponsored by CA, we ...
  6. January 18, 2010
    2010 Access Governance Trends Survey
    This second annual study examines access governance practices in US organizations. The objective of this study is to track perspectives of IT security and compliance practi...
  7. November 19, 2009
    eGov Initiative Not Without Risk to Citizen Data
    The eGovernment movement is a good thing, and maybe too long in coming given how many years businesses have been taking advantage of technology to provide convenience and a...
  8. June 10, 2009
    More Employees Ignoring Data Security Policies
    Does it surprise you to learn that, according to our recent study, Trends in Insider Compliance with Data Security Policies: Employees Evade and Ignore Security, employee c...


