Ponemon Library

  1. August 31, 2009
    The Goal is Credibility
    I want to share an article with you that I think has a tremendous lesson for anyone in the business of building trust.  The article is from a recent edition of Foreign...
  2. July 21, 2009
    Archer-Ponemon Treaty for Data Governance
    I’m still processing a lot of the information gathered, shared, and created during our 8th RIM Renaissance this past weekend in Minneapolis. One of our sessions ...
  3. July 20, 2009
    Thank You, Friends of the Ponemon Institute!
    A warm thank you to everyone who made this past weekend's RIM Renaissance a success.  The discussions were lively and productive, and I think we all came away just a l...
  4. July 14, 2009
    What We have here is, Failure to Communicate
    Privacy pro: Do you ever feel like you are working overtime to meet overly ambitious expectations? Are you frustrated by your attempts to outline a plan for protecting...
  5. June 10, 2009
    More Employees Ignoring Data Security Policies
    Does it surprise you to learn that, according to our recent study, Trends in Insider Compliance with Data Security Policies: Employees Evade and Ignore Security, employee c...
  6. April 6, 2009
    Dr. Ponemon's Blog
    Welcome to my new blog. I look forward to sharing some of our thought provoking research. I also look forward to receiving your comments and questions. Stay tuned....
  7. January 17, 2008
    Annual Privacy Trust Study for Retail Banking
    It should come as no surprise that trust is increasingly important in customers’ loyalty to their bank. While overall trust in the industry is down, banks that experi...


