
close Mobile Security
  1. February 22, 2016
    How Much Is the Data on Your Mobile Device Worth?
    The purpose of this research, sponsored by Lookout, is to understand the value of the data we access and store on our mobile devices and if we are doing enough to protect t...
  2. January 29, 2015
    The Security Impact of Mobile Device Use by Employees
    What do employees think about the use of mobile devices in the workplace? Are they concerned about the security of their devices? Are they aware of potential risks to corpo...
  3. April 7, 2014
    The Cost of Insecure Mobile Devices in the Workplace
    Sponsored by AT&T, we are pleased to present the findings of The Cost of Insecure Mobile Devices in the Workplace. The study focuses on the risk created by employees&rs...
  4. March 14, 2014
    Unlocking the Mobile Security Potential: The Key to Effective Two-Factor Authentication
    An important security issue for many companies is the authentication of users using mobile devices for transactions. Unlocking the Mobile Security Potential: The Key to Eff...
  5. February 28, 2013
    Risk of Insider Fraud: Second Annual Study
    Today we released a new study entitled the Risk of Insider Fraud: Second Annual Study . The research reveals that the number of employee-related incidents of fraud continue...
  6. October 10, 2012
    Visual Privacy Productivity Study
    Ponemon Institute is please to present the results from the Visual Privacy Productivity Study sponsored by 3M. An experimental study was conducted on how the use of a priva...
  7. February 14, 2012
    Global Study on Mobility Risks Survey Results for: United States
    To help IT security professionals plan for an increasingly mobile electronic workforce, Websense, Inc. and Ponemon Institute have created this Global Study on Mobility Risk...


