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  1. January 28, 2015
    Ponemon Institute Announces Results of 2014 Most Trusted Companies for Privacy Study
    In recognition of Data Privacy Day, Ponemon Institute is pleased to announce the results of the 2014 Most Trusted Companies for Privacy Study, an annual study that tracks c...
  2. October 23, 2013
    Most Trusted Retail Banks for Privacy
    The 2013 study represents the tenth year Ponemon Institute has conducted its Privacy Trust Study for Retail Banking. This annual survey-based research series asks consumers...
  3. January 28, 2013
    2012 Most Trusted Companies for Privacy
    We are pleased to present the results from the 2012 Most Trusted Companies for Privacy study.  This is an objective study that asks consumers to name and rate organiza...
  4. January 28, 2013
    2012 Most Trusted Companies for Privacy
    Do we still care about privacy? According to our annual study on privacy trust, more and more of us do care. Our biggest privacy concerns are the fear of identity theft and...
  5. December 6, 2012
    Third Annual Patient Privacy & Data Security Study Released
    Could BYOD increase the risks of a healthcare data breach and medical identity theft? The third annual study on Patient Privacy and Data Security reveals the explosion of m...
  6. October 10, 2012
    Visual Privacy Productivity Study
    Ponemon Institute is please to present the results from the Visual Privacy Productivity Study sponsored by 3M. An experimental study was conducted on how the use of a priva...
  7. January 9, 2012
    Aftermath of a Data Breach Study
    We are pleased to present the findings of the Aftermath of a Data Breach  conducted by Ponemon Institute and sponsored by Experian® Data Breach Resolution. Th...
  8. December 1, 2011
    2011 Privacy Trust Study for Retail Banking
    Our study reveals that even among banks with the highest level of consumer trust, it only takes one or two large data breaches to diminish a trusted relationship. Our findi...


