Chirag Arora

Chirag Arora is an alien of extraordinary ability in the field of IT, specifically Cyber Security.  He is among a small percentage of individuals who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.  Mr. Arora currently holds the most critical and highest-ranked role as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Crum and Forster. Over his career, Mr. Arora has acquired a thorough understanding of all aspects of Cyber Security, using technology to create a secure Cyber environment.  Along with the role of CISO, Mr. Arora has previously held several leadership positions, helping the companies maintain a strong security posture by implementing various security tools. Mr. Arora has a stellar industry reputation and is recognized by his peers on many occasions who try to learn and understand from him on how to implement and execute strong Cyber Security Programs. By speaking in several high-impact summits including industry-leading Chief Information Officers (CIOs), CISOs from the world’s top companies, Mr. Arora is making a difference in Cyber Security in most industries. Not only does Mr. Arora educate his peers through meetings, seminars and conferences, Mr. Arora developed a one-of-a-kind Computer Security Fundamentals course for the Gifted Education Program at Johns Hopkins University. The course was visionary in the way it addressed an unmet need: it was developed in 2011, when security just begun to be recognized as the world’s biggest challenge. The Gifted Education Program at the Johns Hopkins University has alumni such as the founders of Facebook and Google, Intel Science Talent Search winners, Rhodes Scholars, and MacArthur Fellows.

Mr. Arora has not only excelled at his paid work: he has extended himself to deliver several high-impact non-profit Cyber Security initiatives. He contributed to the World Wide Cyber Security Community by creating the Control Self-Assessment Tool and donating it to the Center for Internet Security, one of the world’s most impactful non-profit Cyber Security Organizations, with the intention of taking all industry, profit and non-profit verticals to the most secure and mature state.